
     For the week of August 27, 2018    ...

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Usherpa’s popular and informative Local Housing Snapshot video is now available in 43 markets across the United States! These quarterly short-form videos share essential, hyper-local real estate market data with professionals in each of the featured cities, keeping them up-to-date on the most im...

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Sometimes a customer comes to you knowing exactly what they need. Bam, transaction complete! Unfortunately, you’re more likely to encounter someone at the wrong time — and making sure they remember you when the right time comes along can be a challenge. Here are three essential steps to bu...

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Let’s talk websites.Is Your Website Effective?Is your website working for you, or is it dead weight? A business website has to have certain features, capabilities, and information in order to be effective. And of course, an effective website is crucial when 97% of consumers and 94% of busi...

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Lots of people have bucket lists — but how many people only have one item on that list? Usherpa’s president and co-founder Chris Harrington’s father, Charles Eaton, is one of those people. As a 76-year-old United States Navy veteran, Charlie has lived his bucket list. These days, he only has one goa...

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