Inman News Reviews Usherpa SmartCRM image

Usherpa Blog - Inman News Reviews Usherpa SmartCRM

1/17/2022 - by Paul Harrington in Company News
We were very pleased when Craig C. Rowe, staff writer and software reviewer at Inman News, took a closer look at the Usherpa SmartCRM. While we didn’t request the review (or pay for it), we suspect we caught the publication’s attention because we were the only technology listed in HousingWire’s top 100 companies for both mortgage and real estate technology.

In any event, we appreciate Mr. Rowe’s time and attention and his kind comments about the next-generation marketing automation technology we’ve been developing over the past 25 years. Naturally, he didn’t have time to look at everything included in our SmartCRM, but he did have some very nice things to say about the parts he saw.

“There are some cool add-ons here that should entice agents needing to fire up their marketing to take a second look,” Rowe said.

In addition, Rowe pointed out:

  • Usherpa can handle email campaigns with an array of custom, localized newsletter content, printing and mailing postcards and social media outreach.
  • Usherpa’s founder has a career’s worth of experience in lending and real estate lead generation and sales.
  • The application didn’t demonstrate any complexity to use, with easy to discern features and a contemporary interface.
  • The subject matter is solid, though, with specific designs for long-term seller prospects, buyers, contacts’ birthdays, holidays and so forth.
  • Usherpa has an open API and works with Zapier, too, so there’s plenty of flexibility to work with other systems

Overwhelmingly, the review of our SmartCRM was positive. Rowe seems to have a good understanding of what real estate agents need on the marketing sides of their businesses and writes a good, clear review.

We wish he’d had time to look a bit deeper to see some of the features that will help real estate lenders succeed through the coming year. Real estate agents are going to find the coming market more challenging and they’ll need great marketing tools that will allow them to focus on the relationships that win them listings while effortlessly staying in contact with all of the people in their marketing database.

We’ve got that for them in the SmartCRM and they won’t find a marketing solution that offers a higher ROI than Usherpa.

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