Why Now Is the Best Time For Direct Mail image

Usherpa Blog - Why Now Is the Best Time For Direct Mail

5/28/2020 - by Chris Harrington in Company News
Politically, economically, and socially, COVID-19 has changed the world. Businesses have either temporarily closed or are opening at reduced capacity, the economy has slowed, and companies are looking for opportunities to maintain or even grow market share. If you want to gain market share despite current difficulties, read on.

Navigating times like these requires thoughtful decision-making and multi-pronged approaches. While many of your competitors are pulling back marketing dollars, true winners are pivoting to strategies where ROI can be proven, and they are looking to grow.

Yes, I’m talking about Direct Mail.

Decreased Competition and Increased Attention

From SXSW to the Cannes Film Festival, many events have been canceled and they have canceled direct mail. Think for a moment about almost any industry, from restaurants to dentists, you name it, they’ve stopped investing in mailings. Who, can blame them? This creates a unique opportunity for smart companies to re-think direct mail for good reason: the competition in the mailbox has thinned.

Teleworking has become the new normal for a lot of us and many businesses are continuing to maximize teleworking while navigating the uncharted territory of opening up our economies – and it means a lot more people are home and checking their mailbox more frequently. This creates another opportunity for you to stand out in a much smaller crowd.

According to the USPS, the average American household receives only 454 pieces of marketing mail per year. In today’s world, that number has been cut in half! Today, it’s easier than ever to stand out in your customer’s mailbox.

Email Isn’t Enough

Email is an important tool that should be utilized in any marketing strategy, but now more than ever, it can be difficult to cut through the noise. That’s why adding a marketing piece that people can actually touch is so important.

Direct Mail has open rates of 90 percent and up. According to a Gallup poll, 41 percent of Americans even look forward to checking their mail every day. Compare that to the chore of cleaning your email inbox!

Direct Mail has always offered you and your business the opportunity to generate leads, stay connected with your customers, and maintain existing relationships. Today the opportunity has grown significantly. Here’s another point, Direct Mail will stay in a household for 17 days before being acted on. In our new reality of being at home more, this can really leave an impression on your customers.

As I’ve said before, the secret sauce in mortgage marketing is customizing your message to each of your customers. To do this best requires a multi-pronged approach. Direct Mail can help to move that needle on the metrics that matter most, has proven ROI, and in times like these, who couldn’t use a little success?

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