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Usherpa Blog - Tips on building stronger relationships

Of course you’re thankful for your customers. You wouldn’t have a job without them! But how often do you actually say it? Here are a few tips for going above and beyond a simple “thank you” to truly show your customers (and referral partners!) how much you appreciate them.

Get Personal - Sending a thoughtful email is nice, but in a digital-obsessed world, there’s something extra special about a real, tangible paper card.

Teach Them Something - What better way to say “thank you” than to teach your customers and referral partners something that will help them? They already value your expertise — free blogs, webinars, and white papers can show that you’re invested in their success, too.

Hang Out Together - Why not say thanks in person? Treating someone to coffee or lunch is a great way to demonstrate your appreciation. Plus, getting to know each other face-to-face can strengthen your working relationship.

Free Swag - Kill two birds with one stone by giving customers and referral partners free company swag. Not only are you expressing your gratitude with a gift, but you’re also letting them spread the word about your business. It’s a win-win!

Everybody loves feeling appreciated. Giving your customers and referral partners that feeling isn’t just good karma… it’s good business!

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