Powerful Two-Way Integration: Usherpa + Blend image

Usherpa Blog - Powerful Two-Way Integration: Usherpa + Blend

5/2/2019 - by Dan Harrington in Company News

It just got even easier to close more deals with less effort with Usherpa and Blend’s powerful two-way data exchange integration. The integration allows Loan Officers to simply push a contact to Blend from their Usherpa database AND Usherpa pulls prospects from Blend daily via the integration. This potent two-way exchange is game-changing. Prospects flow automatically from Blend to Usherpa, capturing all applications started in Blend but not submitted.

Pulling these prospects into Usherpa’s Relationship Engagement Platform and automatic marketing campaigns, keeps potential borrowers engaged with right message at the right time. Increasing pull-through by multiplying the number of applications that close, so you never miss an opportunity.

After borrowers make loan application, Usherpa’s flexible loan-in-process campaign sends customized messages to them and their Realtor at all important milestones. Connecting borrowers with relevant and timely messages during the loan process provides peace of mind and really increases customer satisfaction.

Delighting prospects with engaging content early in the customer lifecycle, during the process, and after closing helps build bulletproof relationships— relationships that can last a lifetime.

CardTapp and Usherpa Launch Integration Partnership to Help Mortgage and Real Estate Professionals Close More Deals with Less Effort Customized Content: The Secret Sauce in Modern Mortgage Marketing