Simple ways to attract strong leads by growing your network of business partners image

Usherpa Blog - Simple ways to attract strong leads by growing your network of business partners

Not every lead comes straight to you out of the ether — sometimes the strongest leads come via recommendation. That’s why having business partners is so important. But how do you build those relationships? 

These days, you can Google someone’s name and be in touch with them in minutes. The internet can be a powerful tool for networking if you know how to use it. 

Social media, particularly professionally oriented platforms like LinkedIn, can be a great opportunity to connect. Keep your profile up-to-date, post regularly, and when you’re ready to connect to someone, skip the InMail (nobody reads it.) Instead, dig up their email address. 

When it comes to efficiency and speed, nothing beats online networking. But when it comes to human connection, nothing compares to face-to-face interaction. Networking events like conferences can give you the chance to get to know others in your industry as people, not just as your job titles. 

Of course, making the connection is easy — it’s growing it that presents a challenge. For that, the only solution is good old-fashioned communication. Luckily, you don’t have to be old-fashioned about how you communicate. Automation can nurture your business relationships without getting in the way of your work. (Psst… Usherpa can do that.)

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