Posts by Chris Harrington

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A faster connection through the Partner Connect API Platform benefits Usherpa users DENVER, JUNE 29, 2021 -- Usherpa, the real estate and mortgage industry’s original enterprise CRM technology, announced today that their integration is now built on the latest Partner Connect API Platform and availa...

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Finding mortgage business has never been easier, thanks to new business analytics.DENVER, June 14, 2021 -- Usherpa, developers of the real estate and mortgage industry’s original enterprise CRM technology, announced today the addition of a new form of UsherpAlert specifically designed to provide lea...

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Creating a teleworking culture.While much of last year seems like a blur, but one thing is clear: Business is never going to be the same after the remote-working revolution. For many small companies, the COVID-19 pandemic upended business as usual and forced quick decisions about how to maintain op...

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Chances are, if you work in a sector that shifted primarily to remote work in the early days of the pandemic, you and your company adopted some new technology to help with the transition. Maybe it was hardware (a second monitor, a smart speaker, an actual office chair instead of your kitchen stool),...

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Politically, economically, and socially, COVID-19 has changed the world. Businesses have either temporarily closed or are opening at reduced capacity, the economy has slowed, and companies are looking for opportunities to maintain or even grow market share. If you want to gain market share despite c...

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