Posts categorized as PowerTools- Super Hacks

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As J.M. Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan, once famously said, “We are all failures — at least the best of us are.” This week, may all your failures be opportunities in disguise!Is Fear of Failure Holding You Back?Nobody likes failing. In fact, most of us dread it. But while it may seem like failure ...

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Have you ever had a warm prospect go cold out of the blue? It can be frustrating to feel like you wasted your time on a prospect who inexplicably lost interest. But there’s worse news: It’s probably your fault. Why Your Prospects Went Cold In most cases, warm prospects don’t go cold for no rea...

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If your business doesn’t have a social media presence, it’s time to reconsider that. The average person spends 30% of their online time each day on social media, and that number can only grow. Ready to use that time to build your business? Here’s how. Make it easy to find you. These d...

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Did you know that the average person is only productive for about three hours a day? Think about how much you could get done if you could use your time more effectively! Try this productivity roadmap to make sure you’re on top of your game all day long. First Thing Getting off on the wrong ...

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Sometimes a customer comes to you knowing exactly what they need. Bam, transaction complete! Unfortunately, you’re more likely to encounter someone at the wrong time — and making sure they remember you when the right time comes along can be a challenge. Here are three essential steps to bu...

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