Posts by Paul Harrington

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Did you know that the average person is only productive for about three hours a day? Think about how much you could get done if you could use your time more effectively! Try this productivity roadmap to make sure you’re on top of your game all day long. First Thing Getting off on the wrong ...

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Sometimes a customer comes to you knowing exactly what they need. Bam, transaction complete! Unfortunately, you’re more likely to encounter someone at the wrong time — and making sure they remember you when the right time comes along can be a challenge. Here are three essential steps to bu...

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Let’s talk websites.Is Your Website Effective?Is your website working for you, or is it dead weight? A business website has to have certain features, capabilities, and information in order to be effective. And of course, an effective website is crucial when 97% of consumers and 94% of busi...

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Rates are beginning to trend up. Time to make your move!30 Year Fixed Rate Mortgages Since 1972Home Price IndicesHistorical Rates on 30-Year Fixed-Rate MortgagesHousing Prices20 City Home Price - Housing Appreciatio...

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Having a computer in the palm of your hand can be an incredible productivity tool, but too often it just becomes a tool for watching cat videos. Luckily, there are a few quick ways to make sure your smartphone can offer all of its benefits without simultaneously offering a dozen distractions.Ditch t...

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